(859) 407-7400


(859) 407-7400


(859) 407-7400


(859) 407-7400


(859) 407-7400


Exceptional Eye Care


The Optomap ultra-widefield retinal image is a unique technology that captures more than 80% of your retina in one panoramic image while traditional imaging methods typically only show 15% of your retina at one time.

The benefits of having an Optomap image taken are:

  • Optomap facilitates early protection from vision impairment or blindness
  • Early detection of life-threatening diseases like cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular diseases

The unique Optomap ultra-widefield view helps your eye doctor detect early signs of retinal disease more effectively and efficiently than with traditional eye exams. Early detection means successful treatments can be administered and reduces the risk to your sight and health.

We then have these images networked into all our exam rooms so that we can show the photos to patients to better educate them about their eye health or eye disease. Our doctors recommend the Optomap images be captured annually and offer this service for a low cost of $30.


Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging method that uses light to scan the retina. It can be performed on undilated pupils and is painless. It provides detailed, real-time information about the structure of the living eye. Using light to scan the retina and optic disc, this pioneering technology brings new clinical tools for the diagnosis and management of retinal disease and glaucoma.

The OPTOVUE HD-OCT allows our doctors to visualize retinal structures, evaluate the retinal thickness in 3-D, and to view high-definition cross-sectional images that reveal subtle details of retinal diseases. The OPTOVUE HD-OCT provides the most detailed scan patterns and layer maps available for identifying retinal and glaucoma disease characteristics and monitoring disease progression. It enables our doctors to project future vision loss and make timely treatment decisions. Our doctors use OCT technology to diagnose and monitor diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, macular holes, diabetic retinopathy, other macular defects, and more.


Visual fields are used to check a patients’ peripheral (or side) vision. Visual field loss may occur due to diseases or disorders of the eye, optic nerve, or brain. We measure this by using a specialized instrument called a computerized visual field where points of light are flashed onto a white screen and the patient is asked to press a button if he or she sees it. The computer then automatically maps and calculates the patient’s visual field.

Our doctors use visual field exams to diagnose and monitor glaucoma, detection of central or peripheral retinal disease, eyelid conditions such as ptosis or drooping, optic nerve disease, and diseases affecting the visual pathways within the brain.


Visual fields are used to check a patients’ peripheral (or side) vision. Visual field loss may occur due to diseases or disorders of the eye, optic nerve, or brain. We measure this by using a specialized instrument called a computerized visual field where points of light are flashed onto a white screen and the patient is asked to press a button if he or she sees it. The computer then automatically maps and calculates the patient’s visual field.

Our doctors use visual field exams to diagnose and monitor glaucoma, detection of central or peripheral retinal disease, eyelid conditions such as ptosis or drooping, optic nerve disease, and diseases affecting the visual pathways within the brain.


Digital retinal photography uses a specialized low power microscope with an attached camera designed to photograph the interior surface of the eye, including the retina, optic disc, and macula. Retinal photography also allows us to diagnose diseases of the eye and monitor the progression of these diseases. Eye diseases that we commonly diagnose and monitor with retinal photos include glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, and others.

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By Appointment Only optometrist # # # ftmitchellpatientcare@visionone2020.com 8592671700 8593412568 2174 Dixie Hwy
Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM By Appointment Only Closed https://www.google.com/search?dcr=0&ei=gsKYXta6JJCImAWPkIf4BA&q=Vision+One+Eyecare+Center+fort+mitchell&oq=Vision+One+Eyecare+Center+fort+mitchell&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBQgAEM0COgQIABBHUNyRAViopQFg8KYBaABwAngAgAFmiAGbCpIBBDEzLjGYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjWg_Xv5u3oAhUQBKYKHQ_IAU8Q4dUDCAw&uact=5 https://www.yelp.com/biz/vision-one-eyecare-center-fort-mitchell-3 https://www.facebook.com/VisionOne2020 dryridgepatientcare@visionone2020.com 8594077400 8598244497 1114 Fashion Ridge Rd.
Dry Ridge, KY 41035 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM By Appointment Only 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM By Appointment Only Closed https://www.google.com/search?dcr=0&ei=zMKYXsGAHq29mAWr4KKIDA&q=Vision+One+Eyecare+Center+Dry+Ridge&oq=Vision+One+Eyecare+Center+Dry+Ridge&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIGCAAQFhAeOgQIABBHOgUIABDNAlDC9ARYgf4EYMqIBWgAcAJ4AIABYIgByQaSAQIxMJgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXo&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjBlpOT5-3oAhWtHqYKHSuwCMEQ4dUDCAw&uact=5 https://www.yelp.com/biz/vision-one-dry-ridge-2 https://www.facebook.com/VisionOne2020