Sometimes, a young child's eye or vision issues are noticeable during routine physical exams. Other times, it requires a pediatric eye exam to diagnose underlying vision problems. Early detection is vital in solving some of these problems.
Following the American Academy of Ophthalmology's eye screening schedule for children is crucial. Also, never hesitate to consult a pediatric eye doctor if you suspect a problem with your little one's eyes or vision.
During the initial infant eye exams, the doctor performs the following checks:
Red light reflex: The doctor shines a light in the infant's eye and observes the red-light reflex. If it is not present, they schedule other exams, which could indicate cataracts or retinoblastoma.
Blink response: Healthy eyes blink in response to a quick flash of light or snapping fingers. If there is a failure to blink, it could indicate severe vision loss or blindness.
Pupil response: The pupil should dilate in darker conditions and constrict in the presence of light. If the pupil does not respond to changes in light, more tests are necessary.
The pediatrician serves as the optometrist from six to twelve months unless they detect an issue. Besides the abovementioned checks, the pediatrician will examine the eye anatomy and check for eye alignment and age-specific accuracy in tracking things.
A baby's ability to see the world around them changes dramatically in the first year. Initially, they can only see a short distance and cannot differentiate colors. But this improves with each passing month. By the first year, children should have nearly complete visual ability. These exams are crucial in uncovering any tendencies towards cross-eyes or a lazy eye.
The eye and vision checks continue, and the doctor may use a photo screening test to identify a lazy eye. Most lazy eyes are easily correctable with optical physical therapy and glasses if needed.
Regular annual eye exams are essential, especially once your child is in school and learning to read. An undiagnosed and untreated vision problem can impact a child's ability to perform well in school.
Kids in this age group are less likely to read but can identify symbols. Modern eye exam equipment allows optometrists to identify more vision conditions than in the past. Eye care professionals recommend scheduling an appointment with an optometrist before your child begins kindergarten. A pediatric eye doctor can diagnose nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and other focusing problems at this age.
Once your little one is five years old, you should schedule a pediatric eye exam annually. Children are adaptive and can have significant vision loss without a professional optometrist's observation. Nearsightedness is common in the early school years, but other conditions, such as farsightedness, astigmatism, and focusing problems, can also develop.
In conclusion, it is critical for a child's visual development and health to have regular pediatric eye exams. Regular exams can aid in the early detection and treatment of visual issues, enabling kids to see clearly and function to the best of their abilities. Parents should ensure their children receive comprehensive eye exams as recommended to ensure their visual health and development are on track.
For more on pediatric eye exams, visit Vision One Eyecare Center at our Fort Mitchell or Dry Ridge, Kentucky office. Call (859) 267-1700 or (859) 407-7400 to schedule an appointment today.