(859) 407-7400

The Role of Contact Lenses in Managing Myopia: What You Should Know

(859) 407-7400

The Role of Contact Lenses in Managing Myopia: What You Should Know

(859) 407-7400

The Role of Contact Lenses in Managing Myopia: What You Should Know

(859) 407-7400

The Role of Contact Lenses in Managing Myopia: What You Should Know

(859) 407-7400

The Role of Contact Lenses in Managing Myopia: What You Should Know

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common vision condition that affects millions of people worldwide. For children and young adults, managing myopia is about more than just improving vision—it’s about slowing its progression to reduce the risk of more severe vision problems in the future. At Vision One Eyecare Center, we are dedicated to providing innovative solutions for myopia management, including the use of MiSight® 1-day contact lenses.

What Is Myopia and Why Manage It?

Myopia causes distant objects to appear blurry while close objects remain clear. It typically develops in childhood and can worsen with age. High levels of myopia increase the risk of serious eye conditions later in life, such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, and cataracts. Managing myopia early can help reduce these risks while improving a child’s quality of life.

How Contact Lenses Help with Myopia Management

Unlike traditional glasses or contact lenses that only correct vision, certain contact lenses are designed specifically to control the progression of myopia. These lenses use advanced optical technology to create a unique focus pattern on the retina, which slows the eye's elongation—a key factor in myopia progression.

Why Choose MiSight 1-day Contact Lenses?

MiSight 1-day contact lenses are a groundbreaking option for myopia management in children aged 8-12 at the time of treatment. These daily disposable lenses offer a host of benefits, including:

  • Proven Myopia Control: Clinical studies show that MiSight lenses can reduce the progression of myopia by up to 59% over three years.

  • Convenience and Hygiene: As daily disposables, MiSight lenses eliminate the need for cleaning and storage, making them more hygienic and easier to use for children.

  • Comfortable Design: MiSight lenses are made with soft, breathable material that keeps eyes comfortable and healthy throughout the day.

  • Improved Quality of Life: Contact lenses provide children with the freedom to engage in sports and other activities without worrying about glasses getting in the way.

Is My Child a Candidate for MiSight Lenses?

Your child may be a good candidate for MiSight 1-day lenses if they:

  • Have been diagnosed with myopia

  • Are between the ages of 8 and 12

  • Are responsible enough to handle contact lenses with minimal supervision

Our team at Vision One Eyecare Center will perform a comprehensive eye exam and consultation to determine if MiSight lenses are the right option for your child.

Take Control of Myopia Today

Managing myopia is an investment in your child’s long-term eye health. MiSight 1-day lenses are a proven, safe, and effective solution that can make a real difference in your child’s vision and quality of life.

Schedule an eye exam with Vision One Eyecare Center, and learn more about how MiSight 1-day contact lenses can benefit your child. Visit our office in Fort Mitchell or Dry Ridge, Kentucky. Please call (859) 267-1700 or (859) 407-7400 to book an appointment today.

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